The South Belgrave Sporting Community aim to provide fun and safe sporting environments for kids and adults looking to participate in local Football, Netball, Cricket and Basketball.
As a sporting community, we pride ourselves on having great club cultures and family values with excellent facilities to accommodate our sporting teams.
Our clubs are an all-inclusive space, so no matter what walk of life you are from, the South Belgrave Sporting Community welcomes you to come and participate in any of the sports that we offer, make new friends and most of all have fun!
Clubs involved with the South Belgrave Sporting Community:
Belgrave South Red Devils Basketball Club, South Belgrave Cricket Club, South Belgrave Football Netball Club, and South Belgrave Junior Football Club.

Belgrave South
Recreation Reserve
Home to the South Belgrave Football Netball Club, SBL Wolves & South Belgrave Cricket Club the reserve boasts a brand new facility including club & social rooms built-in 2018 with gender-neutral change rooms, full functioning canteen and bar.
Along with the clubroom, an upgrade included a ground extension and lighting upgrade with the ability to host night matches.
see below the current available volutneer positions open at our Community Clubs
Currently no positions available